Sacramento Community Support

One of the greatest things about being a personal injury lawyer is the opportunity we have to meet so many different people.  The diverse array of cases we handle brings us in contact with a diverse array of people.  And over the time it takes to litigate a personal injury case, which is often a few years, we develop relationships with them.  We become friends.  We get to know their families and develop an understanding of their unique needs and the issues they face both personally and within their individual communities.

Of course, because of the type of work we do, we most often encounter people when they are enduring some of their most difficult life challenges.  Not a day goes by when we are not aware of someone’s injury, their struggle, and their need for support.  It’s almost inconceivable that one could be in this line of work and not have a desire to help community organizations that address the needs of the people we serve.

Everyone who’s been successful has a story of someone along the way who helped them.  And we all have an obligation to give back.

Organizations we’ve had the honor to support:

We invite you to support the organizations that make our community strong through our monthly networking mixers, #Network4Cause.  We think these events are the best way to promote their work while developing a greater sense of purpose within our community.