How Do Rideshare Companies Respond After Car Accidents in California?

Ridesharing, using apps like Uber and Lyft, is often seen as a convenient and safe choice for getting around. However, accidents involving these services happen and can result in serious consequences. Each year, several incidents result in passengers, drivers, or other road users suffering accident fatalities.

In cases where a rideshare driver is involved in an accident, especially when passengers are being transported or the driver is logged into the app, the company may take action against the driver. One common response from the company is to deactivate the driver’s account, particularly if the accident led to injuries.

Deactivation of a driver’s account post-accident is not only a measure to prevent further incidents but also part of the company’s compliance with safety standards and regulations. It’s a method for the company to manage risk and uphold its reputation for providing safe transportation.

Rideshare Companies Deactivating Driver Profiles After Collisions

To enhance the safety of their services, Uber and Lyft have established specific guidelines for when a driver or user’s account may be deactivated. Uber, for instance, will deactivate a driver’s account for engaging in illegal or dishonest activities, such as driving with an expired license. Other reasons for deactivation include discriminatory behavior, safety concerns, or consistently receiving low ratings from passengers.

Both Uber and Lyft carry out extensive background checks on new drivers, covering a seven-year period. These checks include reviewing driving records and criminal histories. A driver might fail these checks or face deactivation for new convictions of serious offenses like drunk driving or assault. Additionally, using false documents to deceive Uber or Lyft is grounds for account termination.

When a driver-related incident is reported to Uber or Lyft, the company promptly investigates. During this process, the driver’s account may be temporarily suspended. If the investigation confirms the report’s validity, the deactivation could become permanent. This approach aims to safeguard passengers and maintain the integrity of the rideshare service.

11 Examples of Actions That Lead to Rideshare Driver Profile Deactivation

If a rideshare driver is involved in a car crash, particularly one that results in injuries, his or her account might be suspended. This action is taken by companies like Uber and Lyft to ensure the safety of future passengers by preventing potentially risky drivers from operating.

On Uber’s website, the company lists several safety-related issues that could lead to a driver being deactivated, including the following:

  • Inadequate or unsafe driving practices
  • Engaging in hazardous driving behaviors
  • Driving while distracted, such as texting
  • Driving under the influence of substances
  • Driving while fatigued
  • Possession of drugs or open alcohol containers in the vehicle
  • Receiving traffic tickets
  • Involvement in a vehicle collision
  • Aggressive, confrontational, or inappropriate behavior
  • Acts of sexual misconduct or assault
  • Using a vehicle deemed unsafe

If you suffered injuries due to rideshare driver negligence, you must report the incident immediately and consider seeking legal guidance from the lawyers at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp. Uber and Lyft’s insurance companies may attempt to diminish or deny your claim, making it challenging to recover the compensation you need for recovery. We know the unfair tactics that may be used against you and handle all aspects of your rideshare accident claim so you may concentrate on recovery.

Speak With the Rideshare Accident Lawyers at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp. Today

Rideshare companies are legally responsible for ensuring the safety of their customers. Part of this responsibility involves removing drivers who pose a threat or have been reported as dangerous. If a rideshare company neglects to deactivate a driver who has previously caused an accident and is deemed hazardous, and if this driver is involved in another accident, the company might face financial liability for any injuries or damages resulting from that subsequent incident.