Is It Possible to Get a Concussion Without Hitting Your Head?

A concussion is a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) that occurs when your brain collides with your skull wall. In some cases, you may suffer a concussion, even if you did not hit your head. Unfortunately, many concussion victims do not seek medical attention if their head was not hit, leaving the condition undiagnosed and untreated. 

After being involved in an accident, it is essential to seek medical care as soon as possible to assess and treat your injuries. If you suffered a concussion or other brain injury due to someone else’s negligent behavior, you might be entitled to compensation for the suffering they caused. An experienced brain injury lawyer can help you pursue a personal injury claim so you can get the resources you need to move your life forward. 

Accidents That May Cause a Concussion

Car accidents are one of the most common causes of a concussion. A rear-end collision may cause your head to swing violently back and forth, causing your brain to make contact with the inside of your skull. Even if your head never makes contact with an object, the impact from the other vehicle may cause a concussion. Other accidents that may result in a concussion include:

  • Truck accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Pedestrian accident
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Sports-related accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents

Since a concussion can occur without any direct head trauma, many accident victims may not realize their brain has been injured. After an accident, you should always seek medical care, even if you believe you are uninjured. A doctor may determine you have an invisible injury such as a concussion or more severe TBI

Common Symptoms of Concussions Following an Accident

Concussion victims often begin to experience symptoms shortly after their injury. Some of the most common symptoms to look out for include:

  • Headache
  • Memory loss
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Blurred vision
  • Drowsiness

While many people who suffer a concussion experience symptoms right away, others may start developing symptoms days or weeks after their injury. This can sometimes lead to confusion as to what is causing the symptoms. 

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above, see a doctor as soon as possible. Concussions are classified as a mild TBI. However, there is nothing mild about a brain injury.
A concussion can cause permanent brain damage if not treated promptly and properly. 

Proving Negligence for Your Brain Injury

When you partner with an experienced and skilled brain injury attorney, they will work with you to investigate and understand every detail of your accident so they can determine who is at fault for your injuries. To prove negligence and get you the compensation you need to recover, your lawyer must prove the following:

  • The negligent party owed you a duty of care to prevent harm by behaving reasonably and lawfully
  • The negligent party breached that duty by engaging in reckless behavior
  • Their negligent behavior directly caused or was a significant factor in your accident
  • You suffered injuries and other damages as the direct result of the accident

A brain injury like a concussion can be expensive to treat, and you should not be forced to foot the bill for your own recovery. A seasoned brain injury attorney will work tirelessly to fight for your right to compensation so you can receive the maximum value for your claim. 

Discuss Your Claim With a Seasoned Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you have been diagnosed with a concussion following an accident, you need a dependable legal expert on your side. The trusted brain injury attorneys at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp. are dedicated to helping brain injury victims collect the damages they need to heal and recover fully. Our firm has nearly 30 years of experience protecting the rights of injury victims across California. We are a fierce advocate for brain injury survivors. To schedule a consultation to discuss the details of your claim, give us a call at (916) 970-9100 or fill out our contact form today.