Mistakes to Avoid When Consulting With a Doctor

After being involved in a personal injury accident, seeking medical attention is not only vital for your well-being, but it is critical to the success of any potential legal claim. However, how you approach your medical treatment is equally important to your recovery and legal interests.

For example, failing to disclose accident details, downplaying symptoms or injuries, or not following medical advice can impede your treatment options, and they can all be used against you by an opposing party in a personal injury claim.

Speak with the highly qualified personal injury lawyers at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp. for legal guidance after an accident. We have over 30 years of experience and have helped countless victims fight for the compensation they deserve. With our tailored legal strategies and resources, we will fiercely advocate for you throughout the entire process.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Consulting a Doctor Following a Personal Injury Accident

The following are the most common mistakes to avoid when consulting with a doctor after a personal injury accident:

1. Failing to Disclose Accident Details

When consulting with a doctor, providing a comprehensive account of the accident and all related symptoms and injuries is essential. Failing to disclose pertinent information about the accident can hinder accurate diagnosis, treatment, and the documentation necessary for any legal claims.

2. Downplaying Symptoms or Injuries

Do not downplay or minimize your symptoms or injuries during the doctor consultation. It is vital to describe your symptoms accurately, including any pain, discomfort, or limitations you are experiencing. Downplaying symptoms can lead to difficulties establishing the full extent of your injuries when calculating damages.

3. Not Following Medical Advice

Following the recommended treatment plan is imperative for your recovery and legal claim. Failing to adhere to prescribed treatments, medications, or therapy sessions may raise doubt about the severity of your injuries or be used against you by the opposing party in a legal dispute.

4. Ignoring or Disregarding Specialist Referrals

If your doctor recommends a referral or specialist, you must follow through with their advice. Specialists have specific expertise in diagnosing and treating certain types of injuries and can provide valuable documentation and expert options for your legal claim.

5. Failing to Reveal a Full Medical History

A doctor will ask you to provide a full medical history. It is important to be honest when answering this question, as they may use your past conditions to diagnose and treat you. Providing insufficient information can impact the quality of medical care you receive and will also hurt your legal case. If you provide your doctors with incomplete details, their medical opinions may be denied by insurance companies and juries.

6. Talking About Your Personal Injury Claim

Avoid sharing the status of your legal issues or concerns with a doctor. Generally, most doctors want to avoid being involved in a lawsuit. If you inform them that you are receiving treatment for an injury that is the subject of a legal claim, it could affect their willingness to provide treatment.

7. Missing or Showing Up Late to Appointments

Insurance companies and juries have access to your medical records. When you miss an appointment, your record reflects it. More than one absence could make it look like you were not as injured as you claim, or that you are not committed to getting better.

8. Failing to Document Everything

You must keep thorough records of your medical consultations, treatments, medications, and any other relevant information. Maintain copies of medical reports, diagnostic tests, prescription receipts, and invoices related to your medical expenses. These can be used as evidence in a personal injury claim and provide an accurate estimate of your losses.

Additionally, it can be helpful to keep a journal of how your injuries impact you on a daily basis. This is especially important with brain injuries or other health issues that can be difficult to diagnose. Keeping track of your symptoms on a daily basis will help medical professionals provide the best treatment possible, and it will also support your injury claims.

Speak With the Personal Injury Lawyers at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp.

Avoiding mistakes when consulting a doctor after a personal injury accident ensures a successful recovery and maximizes your chances of obtaining fair compensation for your injuries. Consult the highly experienced lawyers at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp. for invaluable support and guidance throughout the entire process. We fight to recover the compensation you need to achieve a full recovery.

Speak with one of our personal injury lawyers today by calling (916) 970-9100 or filling out a contact form.