Chico Car Accident Lawyer

Life after a car accident can bring many unexpected challenges. After all, vehicle accidents often occur when you least expect them. Even if you drive with the utmost care, other drivers may not exercise the same level of caution. They may be distracted with a cell phone or other passengers, or they may even drive aggressively, causing a collision.

If you were injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligent or careless behavior, seek help from a highly qualified Chico car accident lawyer. Attorney Eric Ratinoff at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp. has recovered billions of dollars for his clients. His highly qualified legal team in Chico will fight to get you the recovery you deserve.

Proving Negligence In a Chico Car Accident

Negligence is a legal concept that describes how the act of operating without reasonable care injures another individual. When a person’s act of negligence results in physical and/or financial injury, the negligent person may be found responsible to pay for the victim’s damages.

Proving negligence is essential to a successful Chico car accident claim. With the help of a highly qualified Chico car accident attorney at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp., you may demonstrate the following elements of negligence that contributed to or caused your car accident:

  • The negligent driver owed you a reasonable duty of care: Drivers assume the responsibility of a reasonable duty of care when they get behind the wheel. This duty of care extends to other drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and others on the road.
  • The negligent driver failed to uphold a reasonable duty of care: As the victim of a Chico car accident, you hold the burden of proof to demonstrate the breach of duty of care. This may include obtaining evidence of speeding, running a red light, or other traffic infractions that may have caused the accident.
  • The negligent driver’s breach of duty caused your accident injuries: In addition to proving a breach of duty, it is also essential to demonstrate that the liable party’s negligence was the direct cause of your injuries.
  • The accident caused you economic damages: Economic damages are tangible and monetary losses you incur due to negligence, including medical expenses and other accident-related expenses.

The assistance of a Chico car accident lawyer is essential if you are to prove negligence in your case. A qualified personal injury attorney will help you gather vital evidence and eyewitness testimonies, use a variety of means to recreate your accident and prove its cause, and negotiate aggressively with insurance adjusters to fight for the compensation you deserve.

Comparative Fault Laws in Chico That May Affect Your Car Accident Claim

California abides by comparative fault guidelines for car accidents, which means if you share any fault for your accident, the amount of compensation you collect may be affected. Regardless of the degree of your own fault, you may still be able to recover accident-related losses, but any compensation you recover may be reduced by your percentage of fault.

At Eric Ratinoff Law Corp., we understand you may be overwhelmed with the mounting financial burden following a car accident. Our goal is always to recover maximum compensation for individuals and hold the at-fault party accountable for their actions.

Damages You May Recover In a Successful Chico Car Accident Claim

The monetary value of your Chico car accident claim depends on the unique circumstances of your accident and the extent of the injuries you suffered. In a successful car accident claim, you may recover the following economic and non-economic damages:

  • Property damage
  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Physical disability
  • Disfigurement
  • Scarring
  • Emotional trauma
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

At Eric Ratinoff Law Corp., we take our time listening to your story so that we can accurately represent how your losses have affected your day-to-day life. We will assess the value of your claim and handle all aspects of your claim so you can focus on your recovery.

Speak With a Chico Car Accident Lawyer at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp.

You may be wondering what to do following your Chico car accident. Fortunately, you don’t have to navigate this challenging time on your own. With the help of a skilled Chico car accident attorney at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp., we not only fight to secure the fair compensation you deserve for your injuries but also connect you with the resources and care you need to attain recovery.

Schedule a complimentary claim consultation by calling (916) 970-9100 or filling out our contact form.