Sacramento Hospital Infection Attorney

Hospital acquired infections have been a major concern across the nation for several years. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) released a progress report that compared the prevalence of hospital-associated infections in acute care hospitals from 2011 to 2013. In 2011, the CDC found that 1 in 25 patients each day developed a hospital infection which was unrelated to the reason why treatment was sought. The progress report that reexamined the prevalence of hospital infections two years later indicated a minimal decrease in hospital infections, such as surgical site infections and MRSA, which tells the public that unsanitary practices continue to be committed in hospitals. Hospital infections are a form of medical malpractice and fighting for compensation can be difficult. Our Sacramento hospital infection attorneys have over twenty years of experience fighting medical malpractice cases – we can help defend your case and secure compensation for your injuries.

Unsanitary practices may include some or all of the following:

  • Failure to wash hands
  • Failure to use approved safety gloves
  • Lack of safety gloves available
  • Failure to wear industry approved clothing and/or coverings of the face and body
  • Misuse of or failure to use sanitizing agents on equipment, furniture and hands
  • Sanitizing agents not stocked or readily available to staff
  • Improper laundering or failure to launder cloth items, such as gowns and bedding
  • Improper disposal of hazardous materials and waste
  • Use of contaminated equipment, such as syringes
  • Failure to provide proper instruction to patients on how to care for  wounds and utilize equipment during a hospital stay
  • Failure to properly care for a patient’s needs, such as bathing, changing of garments and cleansing of wounds and surrounding areas

Sacramento hospital infection lawyer

Contact our Sacramento Hospital Infection Lawyer

At Eric Ratinoff Law Corp, our Sacramento personal injury attorneys represent numerous injury clients that have fallen victim to the unsanitary practices of healthcare facilities. If you believe your injuries to be the cause of neglect by a medical professional, you should consult with a skilled hospital infection lawyer for compensation. Our medical malpractice attorneys represent clients not only in Sacramento, but across the nation.

Hospital infections can be prevented if medical professionals follow safety protocols that protect patients. If you or a loved one have suffered a hospital infection, contact the legal team at Eric Ratinoff Law Corp to fight for maximum compensation allowed under California Law. Schedule your consultation today by filling out the form on this page or calling (866) 527-4278.